Hi, i’m new here New as to newly join the forum, but i have been lurking here for a long time.
Anyway, a while back i played with the sculpt brush 4 the first time, and i turned a head i was working on into these(1st pic) in no time.
i thought, wow this is fun. More importantly, this is so EASY. :eek:
So i started something new and made a base mesh real quick, and i sculpt away in one setting(7 hrs non-stop) to get this(2nd pic).
When i tried to make the fingers i realised i made a mistake for not checking how things work with multires first. Turns out that one cannot enter the Edit Mode and modify the base mesh such as extrude/delete/etc. i didn’t extrude the fingers and toes for the base mesh, and now i got stuck with it. So, for anyone out there who didn’t have a superfast computer, DO model the base mesh properly before you head to the multires department. Even a simple representational shape in base mesh will spare u alot of levels in multires.
A few days later, i added one more level and sculpted the hand shape, still can’t get individual finger seperated. i guess i will do them when i retopo the sculpt body, instead of go crazy on the multires level. (3rd & 4th pics)
If u spot any major mistake on anatomy, please, do tell.
btw, i never understand the “nudity” warning, i mean, for an artist forum(here, cgtalk, subdivisionmodeling etc). Nudity, not pornographic sexual material, is unavoidable for any artist, or for anyone dealing with art. i think the warning is kind of as ridiculous as a patient warning his urologist that he is about to drop his pants and expose himself.
That’s for now. i will post some pic when i sculpt the toes, and facial feature, and perhaps, the retopo model.