first post.........sculpt (nudity)

Hi, i’m new here :slight_smile: New as to newly join the forum, but i have been lurking here for a long time.

Anyway, a while back i played with the sculpt brush 4 the first time, and i turned a head i was working on into these(1st pic) in no time.

i thought, wow this is fun. More importantly, this is so EASY. :eek:
So i started something new and made a base mesh real quick, and i sculpt away in one setting(7 hrs non-stop) to get this(2nd pic).

When i tried to make the fingers i realised i made a mistake for not checking how things work with multires first. Turns out that one cannot enter the Edit Mode and modify the base mesh such as extrude/delete/etc. i didn’t extrude the fingers and toes for the base mesh, and now i got stuck with it. So, for anyone out there who didn’t have a superfast computer, DO model the base mesh properly before you head to the multires department. Even a simple representational shape in base mesh will spare u alot of levels in multires.

A few days later, i added one more level and sculpted the hand shape, still can’t get individual finger seperated. i guess i will do them when i retopo the sculpt body, instead of go crazy on the multires level. (3rd & 4th pics)

If u spot any major mistake on anatomy, please, do tell.

btw, i never understand the “nudity” warning, i mean, for an artist forum(here, cgtalk, subdivisionmodeling etc). Nudity, not pornographic sexual material, is unavoidable for any artist, or for anyone dealing with art. i think the warning is kind of as ridiculous as a patient warning his urologist that he is about to drop his pants and expose himself. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s for now. i will post some pic when i sculpt the toes, and facial feature, and perhaps, the retopo model.


Good going hey, I especially like his legs/calves. I’ve had no luck with the sculpting tools myself (tried it a bit but failed). I’ll keep in mind what you said about moddeling the whole thing first though. :eyebrowlift2:

hi Len,

Failed how? If it have nothing to do with computer power, modeling with sculpt is way faster in getting the form of the character done than moving vertice/edge one at a time, especially one doesn’t need to pay attention to edgeloop. If you like modeling, you should try the sculpt brush again. :slight_smile:

Great model so far! I’ll keep a watch on this!

I agree that sculpt is the best tool to use to edit the form of the organic models. It works like charm even on non-multires models!

I think the nudity warning is mainly to protect us from people who might be looking over our shoulders as we browse the web. Some of us take a peek at BlenderArtists during breaks at work, or use public access computers in libraries or cyber-cafes.

tiny update for 2 WIP

–add ear for the poly2poly modeling head

–some facial feature for the sculpt…i don’t get it??? i’m up to level 5, the model should have more than enough vertices to define the face but i barely get the lip shape and the ear is jagged. see the sharp edge/point on the ear.


Orinoco–you are right, didn’t think of the public places, but i don’t suppose any boss will tell his employee that it’s okay to use his time to surf the net as long as they don’t watch naked people. hehe :smiley:


Ummh, in case anyone wonder, i’m still working on this, it just…after i enter the retopo mode, i stared at the sculpt body for many nights contemplating where to put my first vertice.

i did finished about half of the body eventually, b4 i realised it looked too dense.(Other people’s mesh looked so simple and clean.) So, i started to cleanup and remove some edgeloop and re-arrange vertices, but somehow i think i make it worst. There are some areas look problematic.

i’m not sure how to fix them at the moment(maybe never?), any suggestion would be nice.

From the exercise, i realize a few things:

1)–i notice that it is hard to see how edgeloop affects the shape of the mesh, since the vertices stick to the target mesh. Maybe retopo tool is best used for fixing part of the mesh that needs retain the shape, instead of building the whole thing? In my case, having the dense mesh doesn’t mean the topology is good. It’s hard to see:confused:

2)–After the cleanup, the topology is easier to see. However, i lose some details on the body due to the cleanup, which make me conclude that one shouldn’t put too much detail b4 retopo, since the sculpt work will be lost.

3)–Crap! i’m not much of a modeller afterall.:eek: My excitement over my initiate thought that “modeling is a piece of cake from now on” has been crushed. These tools are for people who know what they are doing. Conspiracy against mediocrity???

Oh well, sculpting is still fun, if the mesh dosen’t needed to be animated or textured :stuck_out_tongue: see the orange pic, play with the poly2poly head using sculpt tool.
