First Post!

So this is my first topic.
Modeled in Blender, rendered in Bryce5.


looks very nice :slight_smile:

but where’s the shadows ?? or the caustics casted on the area it stands on?

nice work!

I did’nt like the way shadows are refreacted in beer, so I turned them off.

the head looks really solid, and the handle has got the jaggies

Very nice, but the handle needs more smoothness :slight_smile:


I coud use a subsurface but blender have a bug in extruded circles with smoothness :frowning: it adding a few flipped normals, and I dont want to flip them. It’s final, I’m sorry. c %|

enter select-mode, select all vertices and hit ctrl-n … ?


Wow, looks cool. Head needs to look frothier thoguh :wink:

One other point, the glass handle appears to merge into the metal bands %|

JimLad is absolutely right. Didn’t realize it at first; bli(e)nded by the nice picture.

But with a metal handle the glass would definitely drop.

Thanks for advise and comments :slight_smile: