Okay, for my D&T 7 class I got this assignment where I have to make a book… And I decided it was the best opportunity for me to learn blender because I have to stick to it :D. So, the past couple of days I put my mind to it and here is my first (slightly substantial) work. The book is aimed at 4- 6 year olds so it is more cartoony than photo-realistic.
By the way: A few of my characters are monkeys (one of them being a main character) No one will mind if I steal Suzanne will they? I’ll just modify her a little to make her my own and give her a body… Because starting a monkey all over would be suicide… Even though all my other work that I’ve started has been all by myself.
Well, there seems to be a problem with the turtles legs. Will subsurfing more fix it? (I’m scared to go through all the bother of crashing my computer when it might now work anyway)
And there’s another problem with him, its okay if you mention it I already found it and my grandma agrees… I just think people might not notice so I won’t do anything until any of you realise what it is
Just incase any of you think there is something wrong with that shadow on his back, it is meant to be there.
Also I don’t quite get how they add the crease things in his shell?
I can’t seem to see anything wrong with the fish, only a bit of constructive criticism from more advanced users wouldn’t do any harm
if you goto the mesh tab in blender and click the setsmooth button, that will fix the legs… though for a cartoon its pretty cool. though the head of the turtle kinda looks like a phalus… which seems a little out of place in a kids book dont forget to add some textures, that way you can make the turtle shell look like a turtle shell instead of wasting time trying to model in every little imperfection. hope you stick with it
Heres the turtle in blender (So you can see the mesh and tell me how the crease works)
The fish was the book cover, so I’ll post the 3D one.
If any of you are wondering how I converted the 3D Fish into the 2D fish (I love doing this):
You go to flash, import your blender image (hehehe blender render try to say that 10 times really fast) and then trace the bitmap and publish it as an image.
Oh yeah, I have to adjust the lighting of the turtle because the white things turn out grey. What exactly are the settings to do that again?
Phallus… Thats exactly what I thought. Lol, a green turtle head phallus. Better fix that!! So I don’t add real creases to the shell, I had a texture? Thanks! I’m afraid of textures because they stretch over round meshes … But I’ll give it a try.
Uapdate… I ungreyed the eyes, and made an adjustment to under the shell, but you can’t see that. I also unphallusified the head… a little? Maybe? Is it alright now?
I think one of the big things to unphallisize the head is going to be proportions. It looks a less now than it did previously, but I can think of either of two things to help. One would be to decrease the size of the neck, both in length and in cross section area (i.e. make it shorter and thinner). Or you could elongate the head a little bit and make it slightly more pointy. Outside of that keep on the track you are on, its getting there.
Another way you can make a 2D image out of your 3d model is to do a cartoon render in Blender and skip over the flash steps… (though that is cool)
Nice models, well done.
yeah, no need to actually crease the shell a good texture will do that for you, I’d shorten the neck quite a bit, it seems really long, and kinda big in proportion. but maybe just adding some more facial features, making the head look a little more like a turtle head. Google some pictures of some turtles to use as reference, you dont need total realism, but proportions are key.