Hi all, This is my first render that I’ve been happy with aftering picking up Blender about 6 weeks ago. Was debating whether to stick it in the WIP forum, but really I’m more interested in having a couple of general questions answered than having it critiqued, (Though comments and critisism are welcome too ) and I’m sure the mod’s will move it if need be.
For all the tutes I’ve looked at recently, they all tell me how to use individual tools and features but not a start to finish procedure for creating something - This model is very simple, its mostly right angles and I worked by putting down a cube or a plane and then started extruding, cutting, adding points, faces and so on… I’m sure there are many ways to get from start to finish, but is this most people’s workflow? - starting with primatives and going from there?
Just a couple of times I drew a bezier curve and converted it to a mesh then extruded it. I have lots of experience in freehand (vector illustration program, equivalent to adobe illustrator) so I was very comfortable working this way. Unfortunately converting to a mesh left me with lots of triangle faces, which I understand are not desirable, esp for subsurfing. How can I work to avoid this?
specific to the images above: How can I do a better curtain? I made mine by applying the wave animation effect to a plane and subsurfing the result. It still looked too angular at that point so I used the new hook features in 2.35 to distort it a little. Its a pretty ugly little curtain…and It would be nice to not use the animation effect too…
The first image is a render the second one is a quicky modification of that render in photoshop. How could I use blender to get the lighting effect I’ve added? (halo lighting maybe??)