first renderer

Hi, ive been working on this roomscene lately. Its my first renderer that i have done on my own. Ive done tuts, course the first time i opened Blender, i didnt understand a thing, so i just got so frustrated i shut it down immediately. And I didnt open it until some days later. Anyway ive done this on my own, but i cant understand why the quality of the images look so weird. And look at the brickwall! Could i have done something wrong when saving or what, course the rendering didnt look like this. And I must allow myself to post it in works in progress, course as u can see, the light is going through the table. Yes Im aware of that. :expressionless: But I have tried to fix it but failed. :-?

cant see it…

Strange s***, suddenly i cant see it either, oh there one appeared, well, lets do it the boring way then.

And I dont have any main page, so u must copy and paste!

I must also admit that the dark scene looks a little darker online, hrrm. %|

Looks good, but try to reduce specularity from the textures, so they wont shine so badly.

Otherwise the upper scene looks very good. Lower is far too dark.

yeah the bottom pic is way too dark. i would add some bump and a bit of vaariation in the textures to increase the realism of the scene…
