First taste of Linux, and i love it!

Hey all,

My friend gave me a copy of Knoppix 3.3 to try out on my windows machine and i love it.

Right now i have a 40 gig hard drive with 5 gigs left, and i’m adding a 120 gig hard drive soon and i am gonna partition 40 or so gigs to Redhat 9

Redhat 9 is free to home users, right?


welcome to linux :smiley:

welcome to linux, enjoy your bug free stay :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:
It is opensouce, so it is free to use, just go to redhats webpage ( id guess?) and download it :smiley: :o 8)

enjoy your stay in linux :smiley: …but i wouldn’t really recomend RH …but well, it’s your decision

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