First Tire

This is my first ever tire I modelled it from Andrew Price’s tutorial. ( He used the old version of blender for this so there are a few differences I think since I can’t get the “normal” map to turn the right way up as you can see “Good Year” is upside down there is also a bit of a funny noise like glitch on the tire grip for some reason?

Decent looking work, upload the blend if you need help fixing the problems.

Been a while since I looked at that tutorial, but I think the texture was uv mapped. You can try flipping the uv’s in the uv editor (as in scale x -1) or project from view while looking at the front of the wheel. In the texture settings you could change the mapping from x,y,z to y,x,z or under image sampling you have flip x/y axis (2.55 instructions)

As for the noise effect my first guess would be duplicate faces in the same location - check for duplicate mesh - maybe faces filling the outer section that was extruded down…

did you use UV map or did it with array or spin ?

happy 2.5

well I modelled just one part each and used the Array modifier combined with the Mirror Modifier and I must say that it has become my best friend :slight_smile:

The tut shows using the array and curve modifier for the rim and tyre - for the branding on the side it uses a bump map - I think it was uv mapped not projected onto the side