first yafray render

I’m new here, this is my first post. I’ve been using blender for a few weeks now and this is my first attemp at rendering with yafray. I know there are a few issues with the antialiasing. I am also curious how to do that fake GI look that people get. Any questions and comments welcome.

umm… nice, but wut is it? a bong? thats wut it looks like lol

I haven’t used Yafray yet, though I intend to at some point, so I can’t tell you how to manipulate it, but I noticed there is an issue with the facing side. It looks too dull compared to the rest of it, and it would appear it needs some anti aliasing.

looks better than my first yafray render, and why would you want fake GI in yafray, you can do REAL GI :smiley: if your using yable, in the render settings turn on hemilight (if your coding it, look up how to do hemilights on the yafray site)
the only other crit I have is the ground is a little too black, maybe work on the material there (or maybe its just in total shadow, since your not using GI yet)
Oh and welcome to blender 8)

Thats for tobacco products only I hope :expressionless:

here an updated version with changed parameters

Stay on the “waterpipe”. It will decrease my need to compete with half-wits like you in the future. Who needs population control when people are voluntarily cutting themselves out of the picture already?
Internet porn. drugs, alcohol, gambling addiction
I not only support all of these diseases…I feel that I should promote them.
I am not a holy roller, actually, an atheist.
Smoke up.

Whether or not you approve, that was quite rude. He did not insult anyone, and did nothing to deserve such a response.

Yeah I’m entirely unimpressed with that response. You don’t know if this thing is for an anti-drug TV spot. You don’t even know if its for drugs. Leave crap like that in your head Q…

Looks pretty good, especialy if you’ve only been working with blender a few weeks.

dude, thats askin for an a*s whoopin, seriously.

and hey, wuts wrong with internet porn?

QWERT… if you even THINK of touching anything containing caffeine, theine, cacao or alcohol, i think you should wonder why you don’t disprove these drugs… i’m sort of convinced you’re not looking at different sorts of addiction with open eyes. If you ask me, watching cable 24/7 (and trust me, there are people who do that) is really, really worse than using drugs.
Using drugs, actually, is not bad ‘an sich’, but i understand media and, often, people around all of you convict it because of the bad things that happen around drugs (as in the criminal scene, mis-used party drugs like XTC… you know). As always, that’s just part of the truth.

The public opinion sucks. Make your own and base it.

It was a rude response, that I will only apologize for because I did jump the gun.
I do not know that albieomss is a pothead.

Welcome to Elysiun, albieomss. I think that you will enjoy it here.
Not bad for a first render. Try turning your lamp values down a little.
So much light is reflecting off of the waterpipe that it hardly seems transparent. About the glass ( I am only assuming that it is glass because it is the cleanest waterpipe that I have ever seen. Plastic gets all scratched up when you clean it ), you can find a decent matrial here to start with.

You will probably want a different material for the bowl. Most waterpipes have a detachable bowl for easier cleaning, and or, resin scraping.

Instead of the handle on the side, which looks very old-school by the way, I think the ones that bubble out in the middle of the pipe look interesting.
That is only my opinion, though.

Geeze…for someone who is so against potheads…you know an awful lot about bongs…I didn’t know anything about “resin” or “cleaning”

i’m so confused, i didnt mean to offend anyone. I just thought modelling a bong would be easy and look nice. Sorry if I did.

Lol, Your Yafray render looks even better then my first one. I know it’s hard to figure out all the Yafray options, even I don’t know all of them. :-?

Whether or not you approve, that was quite rude. He did not insult anyone, and did nothing to deserve such a response.

You are right. I was wrong. That is why I apologized.

Yeah I’m entirely unimpressed with that response. You don’t know if this thing is for an anti-drug TV spot. You don’t even know if its for drugs. Leave crap like that in your head Q…

Just giving my opinion. Not that albieomoss deserved to be the target of that opinion…but we all make mistakes. I never once “went off” on a certain member of this community who everyone else felt was fine to bash.
Even if he was always annoying everyone with his polls.

Leave it in my head ? I believe it was Friedrich Nietzsche who stated to remain silent when one feel that something is wrong is the same as condoning those actions.

and hey, wuts wrong with internet porn?

Not enough of it ? This is one thing that I believe is up to the viewer. If you spend 8 hours a day viewing porn, there is a problem there. In my opinion.

Geeze…for someone who is so against potheads…you know an awful lot about bongs…I didn’t know anything about “resin” or “cleaning”

I’ve been around.

I thought this was a message board to share and discuss work with a 3D program called Blender, not for people to escape to an arena where they can purge their unfounded theories about how other people should live their lives. I’m 17, I go to college, I am an extremely experienced programmer and I don’t appreciate being called a ‘half-wit’ by someone probably twice my age with half my maturity. I am an athiest as well because for my entire life I hated people imposing their opinions upon me and since I made that choice I have seen the world in a new and accepting light. I suggest you try it. Its really easy to type on a keyboard trying to make other people feel bad about themselves, its a little more difficult to put that energy towards something constructive. It’s incredible that with over 6 billion people in the world, some still think they are the ones that have it all figured out.

But I have figured it all out! I swear!
