How would you fix CA in the compositor instead of adding it?
I haven’t tried this myself, but a general solution would be to separate out RGB, use something like lens distortion to warp the channels back into line, then add them back together. The details would depend on the severity of the aberration, what color channels are affected, and which way they are distorted. Do you have a sample image?
Sadly much real CA seems to be from flares on the specific frequency of the offending color, not just bad targeting of light rays.
Are you sure it is from flare?
I saw a diagram and read an article. It said it was from light rays not focusing across all of the channels.
Sure what I mean is that although the rays misalign they can defocus too. Flare was an inappropriate word to use sorry.
Ok I understand now. I know it defocuses and will not be as sharp but slightly soft edges are better than CA. I will try CD38 suggestion if there are no other ideas.
I just saw a tutorial in after effects and the basically keyed out the color fringes i will give that a shot.