Will there be any work on the knife tool in the next versions? Right now it isn’t very good. When using the tool it forms tris in that area distorting the model a bit. We are told to not use tri polys but this tool does just that. Does not make sense to me. It should be so you knife an edge and you get a vertice
If you knife an edge then the quad on the opposite side has 5 edges. Blender doesn’t support anything but tri’s and quads. That’s it till N-Gon support.
My pointis that this should be fixed not what it supports right now. It would help out incredibly if what i suggest gets fixed. By the way thanks for your help in my background question.
For now you can use other techniques to avoid unnecessary triangles. I suggest you to learn the power of loop cut (ctrl-r), edge slide (ctrl-e), select edge loop (alt-rmb on edge of loop) and delete edge loop (x).
You cannot simply fix the knife. It will take a much larger change in infrastructure to accommodate N-Gons. Besides N-Gons are not a panacea. They have problems of their own as you may well know.
Fix, waddayamean fix? Other programs support N-Gons, Blender doesn’t. Does that mean Blender’s broken? No! So how can you fix something that’s not broken? As things stand now (giggle) you have more chance of fixing your modelling technique than getting N-Gon support in Blender.
this has been posted several times and the whole N-gon sceneario was well thought over before as well, it would take a lot of coding to ecorporate that into blender, not just for the knife tool
I’ll say one last thing about this subject then I will shutup!. Let’s say you are in a sticky situation with your mesh but knifing an edge that puts some tris in that area, it becomes a bit messy but if you knife an edge and only a vertice appears, no tris you will have a little trouble fixing this mesh.
I tried a modeling program that did just that, evry easy to work with, Blender is good too, just that one problem
BeBraw I know about all those keys. Anyway that is my opinion.