Flame & Caustics Project

I wanted to learn more about lighting and caustics so here’s a candle in a glass on a table rendered in Yafray… I don’t know how to create a nice glow around the flame yet, but i feel like everything else is fairly believable. Let me know what you think. I’ll hopefully be adding some background (moonlight or sunset) and maybe some dinnerware, flowers… Not sure yet.



pretty good.how did you do the wax?

I think the light intensity change between the top part of the wax body and the rest of it’s body is to harsh. the light would slowly fade out.

You can add glow in The Gimp easily enough, but if you want to use blender, then you can use the nodes. They don’t work directly with yafray renders yet, but for this you can just save the render, and use the saved image as an input for the nodes. i can’t find the tutorial about the nodes glow effect at the mo, but i’ve atached a screenshot of my setup for my test of it. Mine is kinda compicated, you can simplify it a lot. i used 3 levels of glow, and had view windows a lots of points, etc. You can get away with 1 or 2 glow levels easily, and you don’t realy need to have view nodes at every step like me. You will need to adjust your blur levels to fit the size of your pic, and probably the brightness curves as well.

hope that helps.



What the wax really needs is SSS…

In a candle image I made a while I simulated SSS by using a blend texture set to emit so it’s brighter at the top and fades as it goes down. You could try that.

Thanks! The wax effect is a blend texture that affects the emit value… I adjusted the colormap a bit and I think it looks a bit better now…

Thanks for the replies!


Wow thanks for taking the time to write all that! A little over my head, so I’ll have to look into nodes a bit more before I try it out. I actually was pretty happy with the halo from a lamp but I have my lights a little above the flame because putting them inside the flame caused a black render (black screen of noobishness?)… But yeah I’m browsing the tutorials a bunch and finding tons of info… I learn something new every 10 minutes with this program…