Flashing target problem

Everytime the target flashes, it is moved to the center of the field. can this be stopped?

Heres the .blend

I’m afraid I don’t understand what the problem is, what do you want it to do?

sorry, What i would like is to have the target to continusly be bhere you point it. For some reason, on every other frame the target plane moves to the center of the 3d area. I have no idea why this happens. I basicallt want it to act like a lazer sight for a gun. Sorry if this is still hard to fallow, i suck at explaining problems:o:o

Hi hi hi hi,

that s fun!

Switch of the collision of the target plane (Plane.010).

That is why:

in first frame the ay hits the wall. The script places the target plane over the wall.
In the next frame the ray hits the target plane. The script moves the target plane somewhere els not visible to the camera. Maybe behind the wall.
In the next frame the ray hits the wall again… and so on and so on.

by the way you do not need two side on the target plane. You always see just one side.

Hi hi hi hi!

Thankx SOOOOO much Monster! it makes Perfect sense now!! I feel sooo stupid to not have noticed that! Thank you SOOOO much!!! ;):p:p;):no: