
Ok, I’m not really new at this, but i am… Meaning I am not very good at all, but i am going to work really hard at getting better… :smiley: Ok, well, this is really, the first thing i have made without a tutorial… Yes, I know It is not good, but it is my first… i will get better… so you might have better things of mine to look at… :slight_smile: Sry it sucks…

By the way, How do I save a render to a folder?

Ok, now that’s just silly. Have you even TRIED looking around for the answer?

File>Save Image.


Blender, like most 3D applications, tends not to be of the kind that you can learn ‘intuitively’. At least for me, it isn’t. If you’re new at this, I heartily recommend starting with the Blender wiki. The manual’s an essential read.

Hey, you could have just told him. I struggled with other programs to save a render and people just told me. Its a simple question but search for the question on this forum with what search terms and you get a zillion results which bare no relation…chilll…nice torch.

Go to speed render challenge for more practise in modelling. You may need to learn how to use irc to participitate.

After you’ve done the render press F3.

With other questions maybe, but it’s in the main menu, it’s essentially a file>save, like it is in every other single program. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: My question still stands, by the way, as ‘did he even try looking for it’? I’d like to know if he did, cause it seems like something that would be impossible to miss with a little searching.

Have you ever clicked save image when there is no camera. It screen captures your view, say a newbie did that and believed that it was only used for screen capturing, wouldnt you be pretty confused and ask for help…

anyway look at this thread blackboe if you havent already

well, i did look for it, i was actually trying to get it through the output section… :frowning: Thanks though, :slight_smile: I got it now. back to work!


Scepter: Eh… …Yeah, on afterthought I was probably too vindictive, and for that I’ll apologize. Sorry about that, I hope you’ll forgive me for being impatient. Still though, as a tip, if you try over and over and there’s no button for the thing where you think there will be, try looking somewhere else. :stuck_out_tongue: Hunt around a bit.

Mandoragon: 1. No I haven’t ever done that. 2. Yes I did look at the thread. 3. No-one ever had to help me find the ‘save image’ button. In fact, for ages I didn’t know this forum existed, and not-withstanding I had barely any trouble deciphering blender’s buttons on my own.