"flat" dxf export script + how would I separate loose parts?

SVG files still export ‘Inverted’. Kinda like and upsidedown mirror image.
The image below depicts source and output.
The left is my test file in Blender, and on the right is what sheetCAM imports.


Not sure if this version has had any changes to the DXF portion of the script. But I also tried a DXF export. Blender gets a parsing error trying to re-import. Accutrans errors with ‘Unsupported format’ and SheetCAM just kinda pretends that you didn’t do anything. hehe. No errors, but nothing is there after opening.

I had started a SVG version of this kind of scipt a while back, unfortunately I got bogged down with school work and had to stop. This will be very helpful in architecture. The biggest problem I also ran across was how to determine if edges are connected to other edges. That is a tough problem.

Great work!