Flat Planes have seems when rendered

Whenever I have a flat surf, it renders with seams. Is there a way to make my mesh surfaces just one solid surface? Or how do I make it so the seams are not seen? You can see what I am talking about in the picture below. Notice the seams near the circle and just above the “Y”.


You probably have a bunch of long and narrow faces in those places, and those tend to cause problems like that.

Thank you. How does one fix such an issue?

remove the triangles and rebuild the geometry in a better way. Try to use shapes that are as close to squares as possible (this is not a strict rule in any way, it just means that you should try to avoid long and narrow faces)

Morio is right.

The trick is to keep it as simple as possible so you can avoid overlapping faces, which are only made worse by the subsurf modifier.

I am attaching an example of how I would have modeled your project. Hopefully this will help.


Best Tag.blend (715 KB)

This is very good insight. Thank you for the input.