FLIP Fluids Addon: A liquid fluid simulation tool for Blender

Hey! At the moment this is not a feature and the only way to generate whitewater/bubbles is through the motion and turbulence of the liquid.

Whitewater and bubble emitters has been requested a few times of the last few years and it would be quite useful to have as a feature. It’s not very technically complex to implement, but I just have not been able to find time to set aside in our development schedule for this type of feature yet.

At the moment I think the best workaround would be to generate some artificial turbulence within the liquid. For example, submerging an inflow with some emission velocity and enabling the Inflow Constrain Fluid Velocity will allow the inflow to push around liquid and generate some turbulence. But it’s not the easiest to control bubble generation in this way compared to a simple whitewater emitter and may not be suitable depending on the effect.

Hi mate, thanks as always for the quick reply!

I think Inflow constrain fluid velocity in this case would be too turbulent for the effect I’m trying to achieve, sadly.

Appreciate you guys have been super busy recently adding motion blur, attributes, colour mixing and everything else - but definitely adding my vote to a bubble emitter of some kind being added to the next new feature list!

Also - are we ever going to get to hear of the other project you guys mentioned a while back? :nerd_face:

We won’t be adding many details about this project until much closer to a release - and right now it’s still quite far off. The last details we mentioned were in the 2021 - 2022 development video (timestamp: 14:57) and not much was said:

Over the last year we have begun work on another addon development project related to simulation in Blender. We are designing and developing a new simulation engine to expand the simulation and visual effects capabilities of Blender. A large part of this development will benefit and improve the FLIP Fluids addon. It is still too early to release more details on this project right now, but we are excited to share more information with you in the future when we are ready.

And also a brief comment on how OpenVDB relates to the project here: OpenVDB in the FLIP Fluids addon.


@RLGUY Hello.
Is variable viscosity expected in the new version of the addon?

Hi! Yes, a new variable viscosity feature where each Fluid or Inflow object can be set to emit a different viscosity value will be included in the next version of the addon.

FLIP Fluids addon version 1.5.0 will be released on September 7th, 2022. The same day as Blender 3.3.

We’ll have more info and tips for how to use this feature in a documentation update and in the release notes next week.

Note: This variable viscosity feature uses Blender’s attribute features and will be affected by the attribute render crash bug (T88811) where command line rendering is required for complete render stability. Since this feature is affected by a bug that is outside of our control, this feature will be hidden behind the ‘Preferences > Developer Tools’ option similar to the other attribute features.



Hey everyone, does anyone have a link to a Twitter post showing how Flip Fluids and the ocean modifier can be combined to create the illusion of a large scale simulation? I’m pretty sure I bookmarked it but somehow I don’t have it anymore. I worry that the OP has deleted the post. I remember the post including using a shrinkwrap modifier on the ocean plane and using velocity to blend between Flip Fluids and ocean plane. It also was a thread of 10 posts long, I think?

Hey, is this the Twitter post? https://twitter.com/FrancisJasmin2/status/1443476078752944138


Yes this is it, thank you so much!

Hi, not sure if its possible yet but can you base the variable viscosity on the age attribute? So the fluid would have a higher viscosity on the age, I guess its like the gas temperature solver in Houdini to create lava cooling.

Hi! So far we have only implemented basic variable viscosity where the viscosity value can only be controlled by the Fluid/Inflow source emitting the fluid. After the fluid is emitted, the viscosity will remain the same value.

Basing the viscosity value on time/age would be useful for these cooling lava (or melting) simulations. We’ll see what comes in our future development. This feature should be relatively simple and quick to implement, so hopefully it could be added soon.

Related: I’ve seen a recent Blender development for a feature that allows addons to add curve widgets to the UI without difficult workarounds. The curve widget could be useful for this type of feature for mapping a curve response for viscosity vs age. The feature is currently awaiting review here: https://developer.blender.org/D15824



Thank you for the information, I am looking forward to it.

Hello, @RLGUY

Can you say how long you will support and develop the Flip Fluids addon?
Do you plan to develop in 2023?
Can you briefly what are your plans in development?
Of the extensive features, you wanted to implement decoupled baking.
And what other extensive features did you have in your plans for the near future?

Hello! Yes, we’re committed to continue development for 2023 at least. As long as we can continue funding development through sales of the FLIP Fluids addon, we do not have plans to stop support and development - and so far, funding has not been a problem with this project.

We have two main streams of development projects:

  1. The FLIP Fluids addon - development related to short-term maintenance and features.
  2. New Simulation Engine - Beginning in May 2021 we started a long-term project to develop a new simulation engine (comment here). We haven’t spoken on very many details of this project, and we will not until we’re ready. This engine will eventually replace the liquid simulation engine in the FLIP Fluids addon.

Development of a decoupled baking workflow was stopped due to an incompatibility with using OpenVDB within addons in Blender 2.91 or later (mentioned in this comment). Development of this feature had been moved to the new engine project which works around this issue.

For the near future, between now and the next Blender release, development of the FLIP Fluids addon will likely mostly be maintenance updates such as bug fixes, feature refinements, and improvements. Mostly smaller tasks.

Soon I will be transitioning to spending more time towards development of the new simulation engine.


@RLGUY, Hello.

Can you delete this text from 3D Viewport in the next version of the addon?

It interferes when I align and move Fluid and Inflow objects. Often I need a cube to occupy a certain amount of voxels (10x10x10 for example). But when I zoom in the view in the 3rd window, this text begins to be drawn on top of the object.
It is not needed in the 3D window, since the domain parameters have this statistics.

Hello, thanks for the suggestion! That is a good point - this text is no longer needed. I have just removed this for the next version.



New Tutorial: Liquid Transformations Using Force Fields

This episode demonstrates an application of the FLIP Fluids Volume Force object. We will show you how to attract fluid into the shape of a mesh and how to transform between different shapes!

The speed attribute of the surface mesh is used to create a cool ‘firewater’ shader.

The Blend file is available in the FLIP Fluids addon downloads within the Preset Scenes package.

Hope you enjoy!

- Ryan and Dennis of the FLIP Fluids Addon Development Team


Hallo everybody,
I am a beginner and I noticed that is not possible to scale the Emitter mesh after the first set up…, right?
So, i.e. if I need more liquid to fill a cup of tea, I have to create a bigger mesh (fluid Emitter)?
Thanks for a replay?

Hi, it is possible to scale the inflow mesh or change settings after the first set up or bake. All settings of the FLIP Fluids addon should be able to be changed after set up.

If you want to emit more liquid, scaling the mesh larger and/or increasing the velocity of the emitted liquid can be a good method. More info on Inflow geometry requirements and settings can be found here: https://github.com/rlguy/Blender-FLIP-Fluids/wiki/Inflow-Object-Settings

If you attach a Blend file that reproduces the issue, I’d be glad to take a look for any problems. Let me know if you have any questions.

1 Like

Many thanks R,
let my try and then I send you the simple scene, okay?
Thanks for your reply!

I have been wondering for a while now, can I set the priority of the color mix?
For example, if I mix a clear liquid with a cloudy liquid.
In reality, the cloudy should be the priority.
I am trying to find out if it is possible to drop ice cream on soda in this Blend.
However, when I try it, the clear liquid quickly absorbs the cloudy liquid and it disappears.