Flip fluids liquid looks very bad in Unreal Engine 5

Hi everyone, I am making some flip fluids simulations, but when i try to import them as alembic into Unreal Engine, they look like this. Does anybody know what could be the reason of this happening?

Yeah, those are diferent simulations, but the same happens with every simulation I import using the settings I use. Which are: 2 on subdivision, 120 on resolution, no whitewater, density, viscocity and surface sheeting on, and 30 frames, as my scene in unreal

If i would have seen this in blender i would guess no smooth shading or auto smooth and a problem with shadow terminator… but i don’t know Unreal for the settings…

Excuse me. I could look whats happening.
But at the moment, I’m not even achieving to import any alembic simulation coming from Flip Fluids.

I manage to export a simulation as alembic.
I can even re import it back again in Blender and watch it.
But in Unreal, I get an error.

What are your import settings in Unreal?

I solved my issue. I expect if someone with my same problem finds this, can find my reply helpful.
The problem was that my Flip Fluid simulation didn’t have fluid in frame one. Therefore Unreal was believing that there wasn’t anything to import.

As I baked the animation to have fluids from frame 1, everithing exported fine.
In my case, the simulation didn’t had shading problems.