It just does nothing… I am stuck with this problem
Mirroring UV works as I expected
It does not work with any object I tried
It just does nothing… I am stuck with this problem
It does not work with any object I tried
A text that can be read from both sides of the object is not symmetrical.
Instead, you need to duplicate and rotate it.
You properly do not want a text object or an object with a text texture mirrored.
Also when using shrinkwrap to make the “textural” objects fit onto some surface you properly want to :
– first rotate the textual objects to the other side (array with object offset and using a rotated empty)
– and then shrinwrap those to the surface ?
I was trying to flip any object, not text only. Does not work.
I did try to delete all the modifiers, convert to a mesh, does not work anyway.
Indeed… the Array modifier on object offset seems to work differently on text objects (?)… It looks like the arrayed text is “somehow” like parented to the empty rather then using the empty as “arraying” center ??
rotatedText.blend (488.9 KB)