Fliud simulation help

I’m making a simple scene which is a bottle with liquid inside and a glass with liquid inside too, but on the glass an ice cube fall, the problem is that when i bake the fluid simulation, the liquid inside the glass and inside the bottle just spills on to the domain and all three objects are obstacle (bottle, glass and ice). I’ve bake this animation at least 7 times and i don’t know what else to do. Thanks in advance for you help.

The usual issues are one or more of the following:

    • recalculate normals ( Ctrl + n - in edit mode),
    • your mesh isn’t “continuous”, for instance; if you used spin to create your bottle, it is possible that the last/first "column of vertices aren’t connected. to fix select all vertices and [w] > "remove doubles,
  1. you’ve selected the wrong fluid “type” for your object; for instance an obstacle plane should be set as “shell”, because a planeis just a surface - it has no volume; for objects that have an “inside/outside” normally you want to set them to volume.

Hopefully that should resolve the issue.