Flow sculpture

I have this old scene which I regularly revisit when I’m trying out new techniques for shading or rendering. The result usually gets used as my desktop background.

This is the newest version:

Cycles render, 2000 samples - 11.5 hours for 3840 x 2160
Mainly took so long because of the sss shader for the little icospheres. Branched path tracing with increased sss samples would have been a lot faster, unfortunately it kept crashing after a few samples…
No post processing in external applications, only minor tweaks with the color balance node (ASC-CDL), color management with filmic blender by Troy Sobotka available here (there’s more information on this stackexchange thread).
Grass was done with Grass Essentials by Andrew Price.

Scene setup is pretty simple, just 1 key area light up front, 2 fill lights:

Older version: