Fluid Sim no splash

Can someone help me with this fluid sim? I can’t get the liquid to splash. I sped up the speed of the figure falling into the glass, even turned off scene gravity, but the liquid just goes up a little bit. The glass is set to obstacle and I tried changing the volume initialzation to “shell” and then “both”.


You have failed to supply a demo blend file !!! Please ALWAYS do so for ALL support questions. For fluid sims there are so many variables that can affect the final result and we have to figure out all of those from the minimal info you have supplied.

Apply the scale of all objects (Ctrl+A)
Make the domain as small as possible
You are simulating 4 secs of water simulation over only 30 frames so only 7 frames per sec. To get as much detail in a splash render more frames or reduce simulation time. 4 secs is a huge time span given a splash happens in a fraction of a second.Especially the case if you speed up the simulation which will make this even worse.

Look at the settings and use what are realistic figures

Your mesh looks increadibly low res. Perhaps up it to 256 for testing purposes and 512 for rendering.

My apologies Richard. I used purchased models in the blend file so cannot distribute those. In any case I think I figured it out. I increased the speed of the figure going into the water in less time and got it to splash a bit. I will continue to play with it.

Lumpengnom, yes, it was low just to save time. I suppose that added to the splash looking so horrible. I’ll up it when I have some more time. Thank you for your reply.