Fluid Sim test - Paint

Test of the fluid sim baked at resolution of 400. Inspired by this (much better) video by Paulo Wang: http://vimeo.com/62201173. I wanted to see how the Blender fluid sim compared - I think I needed much higher resolution but it used too much memory.

Here are the fluid settings:

How did you get the paint to be different colours?

You have to bake the fluid sims separately. You can only have one fluid domain at a time when baking, but once you have baked all three to separate cache directories, you add back 3 domains, set the cache directory and the fluid data gets loaded in. Then you can set a different material for each domain.

the only thing that looks wrong to me is that on the green paint can image, the paint seems to be coming out in “fingers” or something,
it looks unnatural to me…
but still, AWESOME!