Fluid Simulation

I was testing with fluid simulation.I had 2 meshes:
a)a cube acting as fluid domain and
b)an icosphere acting as fluid inflow.

I did the same experiment 3 times and the only time it did not work was when I made the cube smaller than the icosphere and I put the icosphere above it and NOT inside it.I thought fluid would flow and get inside the area that the (invisible in animation)cube holds.Instead nothing happened.

At the other 2 experiments the sphere was inside the domain of the cube.

And in all 3 the bake was succesful.

Can someone explain me what went wrong in the experiment that failed?I might do something that should not happen.

Thanks in advance.

Fluid Domain http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Physics/Fluid/Domainhttp://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Physics/Fluid/Domain

The Domain ObjectThe bounding box of the object serves as the boundary of the simulation. All fluid objects must be in the domain. Fluid objects outside the domain will not bake. No tiny droplets can move outside this domain; it’s as if the fluid is contained within the 3D space by invisible force fields. There can be only a single fluid simulation domain object in the scene.The shape of the object does not matter because it will always be treated like a box (The lengths of the bounding box sides can be different). So, usually there won’t be any reason to use another shape than a box. If you need obstacles or other boundaries than a box to interfere with the fluid flow, you need to insert additional obstacle objects inside the domain boundary.This object will be replaced by the fluid during the simulation.

Thanks a lot! :smiley: