
just some rest…

A project for advertising content that had done in Blender 2.82, hope you enjoy it.


Great commercial work!

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Really interesting over polaroïd framing.

Very nice presentation, have you used Cycles or Eevee ?

Nice! I would like to see some other behind-the-scenes images too, like clay/wireframe, scene, etc.

@fuokuya thanks
@skuax thank you, I used this idea for add some variety
@MilanStankovic it’s your favor, I used Cycles for my final render

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Of course, I gonna share some of contents about this stuff

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

I would like to see the material setup for the fabric. :slight_smile:

Great renders!

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Wow, really nice work!

I like the framing and layout, very clean design!

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nice material and lightning :slight_smile:

Hi again guys
As I promised you, I gonna show you some shots about this project, maybe you want to call it something like “behind the scene”.
@aerobraking @rombout @unyxium

I used a little light studio like this for each collection

Using a separate collection for each render

Different nodes for easy access to different materials

Sofa main body material, something like velvet,

And finally, I used Adobe Photoshop for making frames and texts and layout


Ah, thanks for the material! That helped me a lot, never thought about the sheen input.

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Nice showing people that behind “camera/computer” workflow

great job my brother!

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