Fluorescent light idiot...

Wanna see a really stupid person? Then watch this video. (Warning: language. Guy drops the f-bomb a couple times.) http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/bloodyback.html My gosh… How can people be this idiodic?http://forums.spudtech.com/global/board/icon_smile_disapprove.gif

[Edit] Warning 2: blood, someone getting hurt.

What an idiot… :slight_smile:

i wonder if he knows about the mercury and other poisonous chemicals that are inside that light and are now inside of him?

some people will do anything to be on the internet

make sure you leave a better description, i found the blood and human mutilation more offensive the a couple of f words.


thanks for the edit ltrj, i wasnt trying to put you down, it just that this is some graphic stuff, stupid, but still graphic.

the gas is inert, and only a tiny tiny bit of mercury, but still, of things i’d like smashed on my back, this probably wouldnt make the top 10.

I’m surprised how surprised they were.

the gas is inert, and only a tiny tiny bit of mercury, but still, of things i’d like smashed on my back, this probably wouldnt make the top 10.[/quote]

the gas is inert, usually a noble gas or a combination of them, but the coating that is on the inside cant be good for you, and there is mercury in it, which is bad in any amount. oh well i didnt smash it over my back

What an idiot.

jackass wannabees

It surprises me that these morons didn’t test the effect with his face…

Wonder why they did that.

They are developing real life, working light sabers. This one was only a prototype and it broke during testing. It did not inflict as much damage as anticipated.

That was a good one bussman XD. In my opinion if your stupid enough to do that you deserve the pain. I’m willing to bet we will now see warnings on the lightbulbs “Do not smash over stupid peoples’ backs”

Btw, that’s the kind of stupid *ss crap that country folk do when they are bored. <Shudder>

I don’t know about you guys, but this one arises some serious thoughts in me. http://blogfiles.wfmu.org/KF/2006/01/armi_and_danny.mpeg
What was going on?

(Warning: music video)

That was rather stupid.

Btw. the guy singer in Falgor’s video is somehow related to me (don’t remember how). :smiley:

Some other interesting but non destructive things I have done with fluorescent tubes.

  1. Press the talk button on a CB radio and hold the antenna close to the tube. The RF will cause the tube to light up.
    Tip: take some 6’ tubes camping with you next time for emergency light. ha ha.

  2. Lean the prongs on one end against an electric fence ( the type found on farms) and push the other end into the dirt a bit.
    This looks quite spectacular at night with quite a few of them all pulsing on an off simultaneously.
    Use old tubes you dont want any more for this one, as the filaments in the end wear out from the constant hammering of the high voltage.

Can you say “Nikola Tesla”? :wink: 8)

Yep, I actually helped someone build a tesla coil once but there is a limited amount of things you can do with it.

Next thing to build is an earth resonance earthquake generator :slight_smile:

That man was so awesome, it’s too bad he made such poor business decisions. A very good bio is Wizard: the life and times of Nikola Tesla, I read it for science credits one time. Anyhoo, stupid people smashing lightbulbs on their backs…

Yep, that’s pretty darn stupid allright.

Believe it or not, stupid as these are - there are even dumber people
in this world - especially when too young combined with alcohol
and low IQ, here’s a few:

  • At new years eve a local kid got drunk and wanted to show off
    to his friends that he could use his mouth as a rocket-launcher
    for the fireworks. His mates said “no-way” and he took it seriously
    and wanted to show that it could be done. To make matters worse
    the rocket was also faulty and it blew off in his mouth. Amazingly
    enough - even with the whole jaw blown away, some fantastic surgeons
    managed to puzzle his jaw and flesh back into a useable face again.
    He looked kind of like a frankenstein stichdoll after that, amazing nevertheless.

  • Someone equally drunk and equally stupid (not locally) lit a big cherrybomb
    in his mouth. BLAM. No more jaw. He died.

  • Another idiot put a rocket between his a**-cheeks and got severely

You know…it’s not even entertaining, it’s just stupid.