Flying photographs


I want to make an animation in which around 100 different photographs are flying around in a particle like motion. I am having are hard time figuring out how to set this up.

I tried parenting and dupliverting a plane (photograph) with a particle emmitter which is no problem. But all objects have the same material. I could work around this by creating 100 particle emitters with one particle but i will lose particle control.

When I convert the dupliverts to real objects I lose the particle animation.
Whats the best way to approach this problem, any ideas?
Thanks, Crypticc.

I don’t think it’s possible to assign a different material to each particle in Blender. If you want photographs to fly around I recommend using the swarm script. You can find it at this link:

I think the swarm script uses particles and vortex, but theres the limit of a single texture for each particle.

Worst case, you create a plane and texture it with an image. {Repeat 99}. Then the question is how to control those planes? I remember a Tornado Game that swirled objects, so you could use that. Search the GE forum for “Tornado I AM GOD” which was my comment since it was so fun to play.