
Does anyone know where i can get this from, every link i find is dead :frowning:

JD should have it on bis server, he keeps most of the major Blender progress backed up.

if you use search you will find it :slight_smile:
Edit: i found for you

yeshuawatso: JD should have it on bis server, he keeps most of the major Blender progress backed up.

Lol, well actually I didn’t have that file but well I found it somewhere on the net. I’m just keeping backupping files that people ask, so I did a backup for that file now.

Only one thing, how to get this player working in runtimes? I tested it publishing a runtime and dynamic runtime but no movie :frowning: For so far it only works in blender files. Well anyways I hope someone will recode it some day. :smiley:

it worked in 2.25 runtimes