how do I make it so that a flat plane follows and deforms to a curve with sharp corners?
so that with the middle of the curve is flat with a sharp corner each end. like a U shape but all straight lines.
the plane is to stick to the curve and from above it will not be seen cos it is in line with the curve.
thanks all
The solution is to have the ‘follow curve’ option enabled on the constraint and to add a ‘curve’ modifier on your plane as well with the same curve you used to follow. But you’ll experience several issues, mostly to do with object origins and axis orientation, which to this day, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around and I hope you can figure out with experimentation. I get wild with frustration every time I attempt to figure it out so I’m sorry but that’s about as much help as I can be. Also, I’ve had better luck with path objects rather than bezier’s in the past.
as I cannot see the path, how do I adjust it? and I need 9 planes! but then it slows down to a crawl!
it needs to have one frame at the bottom of the path. 150 frames later the next one and so on.
PS computer crashes with this file!
we are very nearly there!
but I still need a little help.
instead of adjusting the path I changed the panel.
then instead of adding panels I just made the one there much longer.
now I just need to know how to get it to start and end with and end part at the bottom of the curve.
the jpg is just the numbers 1 to 9 substituting for the 9 images I will put on it.
thanks all
PS eventually there will be one images showing at the flat bit of the curve. then every 150 frames later there will be another image and so on.
There are endless possibilities… Here’s a lightweight version of DruBan’s file; it has all you need i hope.
Example has 3 planes, you can duplicate any plane and move on timeline where needed using Action editor -G grab and slide plane’s action.
You could use one plane and keyframe animate texture for it too.
I think keep mouse cursor above yellow Action stripe and either G to move action (in time) or S to scale selected (pointed by cursor) action strip which will make it longer or shorter in time.