Follow one path after another in Blender 2.5

I just can’t seem to find a thread that answers a basic question easily.

Let’s say I have a path-a and path-b and want

object-c to first follow path-a for 60 frames
object-c to take 20 frames to automatically move to the beginning of path-b
object-c to finalize the show with moving 60 frames of path-b

i first tried parenting object-c to path-a then to path-b but that didn’t work.
second i tried creating 2 constraints for object-c but i didn’t see a way to make it start and stop at different time frames.

Any ideas?


follow-pathAthenB.blend (482 KB)

Hi, you can assign two constraints and animate their influence… and you need to setup the evaluation time in both of the curves also… see this file.

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Great that’s what I wanted. Now i’m trying to figure out what you did.

I see you added 2 “follow path” constraints but how did you add the influence? It’s funny I normally made basic animations with using the I key menu which inserts a keyframe which doesn’t add anything called influence. I don’t see it either in the “follow path” panel to create keys there.

Tried doing a google search for it but so far no luck.

Seems so basic but I’m missing something still… Thanks again for the quick response.

Got i!.. Thankssss

Was as simple as right clicking and adding keys in the “influence value” in the constraint panel for the object-c & adding keys in the the “evaluation time” of the path animation panel for the path-a & b. Wish there was some tip inside there to do so. Maybe in the final build… I just had to set the positions with all those values then lock they positions at the correct keyframes. :slight_smile: