Follow path up for aircraft-aircraft pitch not changing

I have an aircraft that follows a flight path from takeoff. As it begins its flight, the nose should pitch up slightly as it follows a gradually upward flight path. I’ve been able to use a path for the aircraft to follow, however, its nose does not pitch up. The whole aircraft stays level.
I used instructions from Chronister’s text “Blender Basics”, Second Edition, page 83 to start.
Instructions: Space Bar, Add, Curve, Path. In Edit mode, modified path upward.
Made path the parent and aircraft the child.
Selected “Normal Parent” option.
(Should I have selected “Follow Path” here instead?)
In the Curves and Surface tab, I already selected “Curve Path”.

I tried introducing Ipo keys (Rot X for example in the side view) at certain points along the path, but it caused the aircraft to rotate once and not again. It also “fouled” up its starting position as well.

I’m using Windows XP, SP2, 1GB RAM, Blender 2.42a.

Your advice?


Turn on Curve Follow for the path (also in Curve and Surface panel). Then depending on how you created the plane, you may have to adjust the Track and Up settings in the airplane’s F7->Anim Settings panel.

In the Curve and Surface tab, I clicked on the Curve Follow button per your instructions. I then adjusted the Animation Settings tab to TrackX and then selected Z in the UpX line of buttons. It worked.
I was not aware of the TrackX and UpX settings.
Thank you for the help.
