
Here is my latest finished project.
It was rendered with blender internal (alpha build) I also applied some post-pro.

I was holding it back for a long time since I wasn’t quite happy with the result.
Recently I’ve made a few tweaks in post processing to better expose some details.
I have put much effort in making of these stills and animation
and I hope you’ll like it and give me some comments on it.
Critics are also welcome.

For animation please visit:

cheers :slight_smile:


It took me about 3 weeks to do it. Everything was made by hand without scripting.
Bendy rig for the magnifying glass was based on the mancandy’s leg rig.

Your support means much to me…

It looks fine but there’s one thing that bothers me - camera movement. It should not follow magnifying glass (and it should definitely not follow it jumps) but simply move smoothly through the scene. Besides that - cool animation (and the fact that it was made by another Blender user from Poland makes it even cooler :slight_smile: ).

Yes, I know I have overdone it a bit, but the camera movement was the ground of the most experiments
in this project since it had a new work flow. Later on I’ll redo this part, but for now this project is dead for me.
Thanks for the reply homey :wink:

So… I have made made a new one.
It got revised camera movement with the whole compositing done from the start.

let me know what you think!
