For all GeForce 9000 series owners, you now have nothing more then yesterday's GPU
Nvidia comes out with a new set of GPU’s to make your 8000 and 9000 series cards look trivial.

Is this breakneck pace all because of competition between Nvidia and ATI?

EDIT: You know what, never-mind.

Awesome! I can’t wait to play the original Pong on that!

CD, I know you pride yourself on these catchy “news” threads you post…but you’re at the very least about 2 weeks late with this…making your 9 and 8 series cards last weeks trash. But you know what the really funny thing is? This “breakneck” pace has been an everyday thing over at Nvidia since the companie’s launch back in the early 90’s, but noone took note till about 99’ or 00’ when they launched the Geforce 256 and everyone soon forgot about them with the fx series. Nvidia’s been back on the ball since, IMHO, the 7 series…some say the 6 series got them back in the game but I never played with one of those cards. On a completely unrelated note…I can’t wait to play with thier tegra though!!! Should be big fun for you mobile hackers out there!!!

FYI Nvidia means ‘envy’, and I’m of the mind its ATI envy.

actually ati may have captured the up comming gen. their latest card is $200, and keeps up with nvidia’s latest that costs $600. infact predictions are that in a month you’ll be able to get the ati cards for $160 forcing nvidia to drop their price to $400. and expect even better cards by the endo of the year. ati has produced a teraflop card for $200. 10 years ago nobody would have believed it. i dont even think anyone would have believed it last year.

I have yet to find a game that boggs down my dual 8800GTX over clocked, liquid cooled cards.
As soon as the physix is added to the forceware drivers my system will be unstoppable.

BTW they announced this in the main forum a few weeks ago, and on slashdot about a month ago… OLD NEWS.

Noughts and crosses still run fastest on my P&P250 series.

yeah im not fucking paying $600+ for a new GPU especially when my current one runs everything fine.

First off a lot of ATIs cards have had higher specs than nvidias cards but they just dont perform as well. The 4850 barely beats out the 9800gtx and soon nvidia will be releasing the 9800gtx+ ( revision on the 9800gtx supposed to be much better than the 9800gtx) for 230$ and it will be competing with the 4850 and the original 9800gtx will be droped even lower than that. ATI seems to have problems writing there drivers this can be seen in there 3d mark scores because they usualy score a lot higher than the equivalent nvidia card but in actual games they are worse Plus nvidias cards (8 series and up) will have support for Physx in less than a month. Also i would like to add that im not saying this because im an nvidia fanboy (which im not i have owned several ati cards and loved them all) im saying it because it is what i have observed to be true

Oh yeah and CD thats how the computer industry works within a few months your hardware is going to be old news considering moores law this is bound to happen. A lot of people got real luck with how things played out with the 8800gtx because it has taken a little over a year for anyone to put out a card that actually puts it at any significant disadvantage (and just about a year for one that matches the performance for cheaper)

i found a link with lots and lots of tasty benchmarks comparing the 4850 to the 8800gt the 9800gtx (now 199.99 on newegg) and the 9800gtx+ and it looks like the 9800gtx and the 4850 are neck and neck and the 9800gtx+ pulls ahead and wins

and soon nvidia will be releasing the 9800gtx+ ( revision on the 9800gtx supposed to be much better than the 9800gtx) for 230$

Only 230 dollars?

I’m guessing that means when I get my Quad Core computer I can get the right power supply for the computer and get a GeForce 9800GTX+

I know yesterday’s card, but maybe 3 times cheaper.:yes:

I still feel like my 8800GT SLi setup is pretty relevant

wata bout Crysis in very high?

same here there hasnt really been anything that has come out that has given me any reason to want to upgrade all the new cards have been built on the same tech as the 8800gt meaning a g92 core with a 256 bit memory bus and similar clock speeds
and cd even tho it is “last gen” it is still very good for the price and i imagine nvidia and amd will be playing the whole price cutting game real soon so it could end up being even cheaper. I also suspect that it could end up being a lot cheaper because nvidia doesnt have to pay near as much to manufacture them due to there there die shrink from a 65nm to a 55nm (there only 55nm card to date)