for artists looking for free hosting

First goto and get a account (the free one)

Then goto

then goto

How things works
Brinkster(all html files go here this is your main host)
Netscape(all images and everything else goes here) Supports direct linking and unlimited bandwidth
TK( domian that redirects) You can disable banner from there in your My TK

So basicly you get a .tk domain 20 megs (having multiple accounts can lead to a crap load more) + unlimited banwidth and 16 megs of bandwidth for pure html file (so that a lot of visitors)…

All for free?
yup :slight_smile:

Try to only upload html pages to Brinkster, plus brinkster supports .asp pages
Try to upload everything else to Netscape (1 meg limit per upload)
TK, has banners frame or popup but can be disabled in My DotTK

The way I have mine is that I have a frame banner (easily explotied to remove it with javascrpt) then that way when some nut gets a 404 page it has a chance to getting redirected to my page (Thats how the banners work if you want them on)

Draw backs:
1 meg uploads, web based upload only(no ftp), TK is sometimes down, Netscape’s file manger sucks ass

its free, no banners, um… its free? plus has asp support


why do that when i have ad free, 50 meg at reblended?

Ditto. :smiley:


why do that when you have your own host that you pay for LOL

Alltaken (ha ha ha i pay a lot of money and get only 4Gb of bandwidth, and 100Mb space)

Paying for hosting is stupid >_<
You can find a 100 mo hosting with good bandwidth for free. And for the publicity, you can remove it easily with a XML code or something like that :wink:

…but all this require some hours of research :-?

its a matter of time … :wink:
it is much easier (and will stay much longer ;)) bo buy a bit of webspace …
but there is a way to get it for free :wink:

btw @ dittohead:
its a pitty, but reblended is really slow for me … dunno how it is for other users …

i have paid hosting at, its only like 20$ a year and i have 200mb space and 8gb of transfer a month(i think its like 100mb space and 5gb of transfer for 20$ now)