Force image texture icon preview [SOLVED]

Does anyone know why or how i can get the icon previews back on images textures. Ive seen this behavior before, but never really bothered about it. But working know on a scene and hardly any preview shows. I tried find missing images to relink them, rebuild data blocks. used python to loop over all images in to reload each image.

Though images do reload, the icon preview when i select the image manually from the image dropdown menu. But doing this over and over again is crazy.

Am i missing something here?

I do see this message in the console, but i really daubt this causes previews not to be rendered

TIFFFetchNormalTag: Warning, ASCII value for tag "ImageDescription" does not end in null byte.
TIFFFetchNormalTag: Warning, ASCII value for tag "ImageDescription" does not end in null byte.

I started writing a bit of Py which forced loops over each image, set it to active in UV editor and then do the reload. This does work.

import bpy

class ImageTextures_OT_Reload(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "image_textures.reload"
    bl_label = "Reload Iterative"
    bl_description = "Reload iterative"

    def execute(self, context):
        for image in
            for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
                if area.type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
                    img_list = list(
                    img = context.space_data.image
                    if img in img_list:
                        id = img_list.index(img)
                    if id+1 < len(img_list):
                        context.space_data.image = img_list[id+1]
                        print("- Id: "+str(id+1))
                        print("img reloaded")

def img_tex_reload(self, context):

But guess what while testing it, i did a data-block clear and all of a sudden it started to load all my previews again. While in my working file it did not?!