"Force Lightning" effect?

Is it possible to animate Force lightning in Blender?

What is force lightning?

Well, the material would be easy enough, for the animation you’d have to write a script though that would constraint the start and end to two empties, with different properties for random animation and branching.

Okay… where can I get a tutorial for that? :wink:
I know how to do the material.
EDIT: Force lightning is a special effect from Star Wars, it involves a character(usually Sith) shooting blue lightning bolts from the tips of their fingers.

wouldnt you just define a curve from their fingertips outward, eventually to the victim, animate the curve jumping around, and give it that soul-sucking flashing neon blue/red material?

Or you could use a mesh with an animated marble texture and use colorbanding to make the texture look like lightning. Hmm - If I get a chance later on I’ll post some pics of what I have in mind.

To Wickes: Well, while possible, it’d be intensely annoying cause force lightning isn’t one arc, it’s more like this.


I never thought of using a texture. I’ll look into that. I’ve never actually animated a texture, but I’m looking it up on the manual right now.

Somebody needs to write a lightning plugin for Blender.