Ford Mustang in a abandoned place

Hello i am looking for advices in what i can improve and how can i make the car more realistic to the point of being close to a real life one ?

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Making a proper materials for windshields, windows and car lights could be a good start. If you need to hide the interior just make the glass material darker and fake the interiors just with a very raw objects for dashboard and seats without any details, like this one below I did for one of my car:

First thing I would like to ask: why is the concrete environment half transparent? Go into its material and set the alpha to 1 (assuming you are using a principled BSDF for your material). That alone should get you something much more realistic.

Are you in Eevee or Cycles? If you want maximum realism as your main goal, you should use Cycles.

Most cars use a special metallic paint that looks different from the paint you would use elsewhere. It’s done using a rough metallic shader with a smooth clearcoat on top. To be fair, the way you have done it on your model is also plausible, just verifying if you weren’t trying to make this kind of paint:

I really dont know why its doing that transparent thing because the alpha is at max and did some changes on the car . Does it look much better and what can be still improved ?

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The car looks nice, the environment still has the problem.

I am curious if the problem is in the material itself. If you assign a new fresh material to the concrete, does it still have the transparency problem?

With a new material it doesnt appear like that , this model also have a AO texture inside besides the image for the material , i wonder if it could be because of that and on which node could i connect it to

Sounds like the environment has a pretty complex material. Is it using a principled BSDF, or a complex series of nodes? The model looks like a photoscan, so I would think the simplest of materials would be needed.

  • If you have an AO texture, you can multiply it with the color (using an “rgb mix” node set to multiply). If it’s plugged anywhere else, it might cause problems.

    But if you are rendering in Cycles, you might not need the AO texture at all, depending on what it looks like. Is this AO texture used to darken small cracks and details in the texture? If yes, it’s relevant and you can connect it like in my image. Is it used to add a general darkness to the interior of the environment? In that case, delete it, Cycles is already able to do this and doesn’t need a texture to simulate darkness.

  • Does the material have transmission? If yes, remove it, transmission is for glass.

  • Is there a “transparent” or “refraction” node connected anywhere in the material?

The AO looks like this :

The transmission was at 1 and after removing it fixed the transparency in the pillar and the render is done in Cycles yes .

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I don’t understand that AO, it looks like it was applied to the wrong UVs. In any case, this looks like the kind of AO for faking general darkness, so you most likely don’t need it in Cycles.


No ideia either , i just got this model from sketchfab but i am glad that the whole pillar thing is fixed . Thank you for the help

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I think your issue is a lot about the environment, so I think you should look for some environment-making tutorials, but, if you don’t want to work on that, try to tell a story with your still, so, is the car abondoned? If so, maybe make it look so. Or is it looking for something? If so, maybe make it dark and give the car headlights. But whatever story you want to tell, decide, and try to make it as convincing as possible.

With the changes , it looks like this

What is happening here?

The texture on your floor is out of place, and the flat shading makes it look very very 3D. The scale of the floor texture makes the car look like a miniature

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You mean the flat shading as from the car or the enviroment itself ?

I mean I can see your triangles and reality isn’t triangulated :wink: