forma - heavenly machines

So, short before the celebrations of the upcoming days…my “gift” for you :slight_smile:

[There have always been rumors…high above the clouds…
But noone except the builders could have been there. At such a place, beyond the reach of poor man. Yet, once up there, one would be - suprised, probably. The sheer meticulousness, the cold efficiency, the overwhelming logical structure. No, there’s nothing to see there…there’s only the utter beauty of the machine itself, a feast for the senses, too much for a simple mind to take.
After seeing the wonders for myself, I could not remember anything…when I came to, I was here. But, there is one thing…one thing I shall not forget. It is the path leading to the place…


As you can see, rather heavy post pro was involved this time, but to be honest, I’m not completely satisfied with the outcome. However, for more details please look at my description over at dA. There you should find all the information necessary, if you’re interested in them. If not, you can ask your question here anytime :wink:
Please tell me what you think!

And of course, have a good time during the next few days, whatever you’re celebrating :slight_smile:

awesome work man!very inspirational and…stunning…got 5 stars from me!

That’s frikin’ fantastic!

It’s my new destop image! Thanks!`

Very cool! It has a very nice Si-fi effect to it. Great lighting and texturing!

5 smileys from me: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
And 5 stars, of course:)


simply fantastic.

Gorgeous render. And my new desktop picture for now.

I love it! Amazing detail!

This is really well laid out and executed.
I really love the mahinery and the framing.
Also liking the typography. Usually that adds nothing but here it looks good.

I wonder about the colors though - Blue works well - but the other two colors feel a bit off at the same time. I’d say blue + red or green, but not both.

i like the quote. it might be relevant to put the machinery in context “above the clouds” or something and show some of the Earth far below. maybe a curved horizon with the sun breaking over?
great picture, awesome detail.

Thank you very much for all your kind response - it seems it’s more like a gift for me than for you then :smiley:
After looking at your replies, I’m feeling sorry that I didn’t provide a WP version, but I didn’t know that anyone would use it. But nevertheless, I’m glad you like it that much.

Now for mrmunkily: I’m especially glad that you mentioned the typography. Personally I think that this can be a very important part of the picture, without a well placed title, pictures sometimes look empty to me. So, that I have achieved my goal here, is great.
I see what you mean with the colors - as I mentioned in my description, I really went crazy this time…:wink:

And @StompinTom: You’re quite right, that came to my mind numerous times…yet, I didn’t find a way to actually execute it. And I fear, as good as your idea sounds, I’d have failed at actually doing it. But it’s nice to see people thinking even further about my images :slight_smile:

Again, thanks to you all!

Just like all of my projects, only finished! That is some really good modeling, and the textures and lighting do a good job too.

fantastic work, 4 stars

It looks big but scale feels funny.
Maybe its my crappy monitor tho.
I think the structure should be dirtier.
Feels almost to clean like never used.


Moved to the gallery.

Great image, as usual.


Very nice work…its now my background image on my laptop…

i like it a LOT, except for two things:

the material seems a LITTLE off, not quite like metal, almost a little clay-life, epecially at the top near the big circular white lights

and two, i dont think the red works, its just too much. mabye try and go for somthing a little more like this

Yay! You’re a deviant too. That deviation rocks! It’s like a snapshot of a cinematic in an RPG game. So exciting. Wow. =)

Impressive work = ) I really like the amount of detail you’ve put in your image. This definately belongs in the gallery section.

amazing detail =] I woulda just faked it with alpha maps. But you modeling awesome!