Forum monkey celebration.

Well, I’ve been a forum monkey for few days now, and to celebrate that I created this signature I’ll be using at (It’s a World of WarCraft guild, bunch of nice people… they’re like my virtual family…).

So yeah…


Grats man.
Now you need to get 1k post lol.
I wish they had another title past monkey.
Like forum god at 5k post or something.

nice. i have a new avatar for my upcomming monkeyhood.

Mifune how do i make a picture small enough to use as my avatar?
As you can see i dont have one and im begging to get one.

if you have a nice picture you must shrink it so its 65 pixels high or with. you can do that with gimp or irfanview or something like that.

OK thank you ill use PP.
Will i have to host it at my site?

Well…I’m not a forum Monkey yet…but I was born in the “year of the
monkey” mwhahahaha… :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t want to kill your pleasure or anything…but
it’s not how many times you hit the post/reply button…

…it should be how many w.i.p’s or finished pictures
you posted rather than the number of blabbermouth posts.


Sorry…just HAD to say that.

Blade deserves the Monkey title.
I have great respect for him and i love his style. Maybe if you have read some of his other posts you wouldnt be saying that.
I just think you shouldnt judge like that.

check profile at the home tab.

I know, and I agree…but I’m sure Blade catch my drift with this.

What I’m worried about is this becoming another off-topic-chat-box
where people see it like some kind of “kid-l33t” way by
just getting a huge number of posts.

It’s in NO-way ment to be mean to Blade! No way!.

JoOngle… okay… but during my few years around Blender I haven’t seen anything but mature people… well few weirdos, but mostly mature and responsible people. I don’t think it’s anyone’s goal to reach that “high” in here… well at least I think so. Hope you catch my drift… 8)

Anyways, thanks for the comments guys! :wink:


Your monkey abuse is better than my monkey abuse was… Good ol’ Suzanne…

woooooooooooooooooo…forum monkeyness. I think there will be new titles in the ‘new version’ of Elysiun. Whenever that comes out…