FP Halfway Animation

Well… (This’ll be hard to explain)…The camera is set too look through the characters eyes, hence FP; so the thing is, I want the character to be able to look from side to side, without moving the legs nor turning…But when I look past a certain amount of degrees the character will turn… Well I had a tutorial on that a while back, but I cant find it now :frowning:

I’d use properties to do this. Set up an animation to rotate the camera itself, and have it be played back through a property. Pressing the appropriate keys can add or subtract the property’s value, until it reaches a certain interval, at which point the character will begin to rotate. Like this, we’ll use “left” as an example:
Player pushes Left button, camera control property begins to increase property value and swing camera to the left, but when the property goes above a certain value, we’ll say 100, a Property Interval sensor kicks in and the player begins to rotate instead.

Do you get it now, or should I set up an example .blend?

Good idea for a control system BTW

Thanks :slight_smile: And I would very much like an example blend…

Classes start again tomorrow, but I’ll see what I can do

Umm…why cant you use wasd for movement and mouse for looking?

like mostly all fps?

All set!

I hope that makes it clear, if not, just holler.

Well actually I do, but this will increase gameplay greatly…In my game anyway…

Thank you PlantPerson:)
I only have one more thing to ask of you; I would like it to be synchronized with mouselook, and that is way beyond me, I have tried to study Socials FPS template, but at the moment that is beyond me, oh and I dont want it to reset on button release…
James the Sixteenth

Is it possible to do this with armatures?

I’m afraid I can’t help you mouselook-wise…I’m still learning Python myself. Ask Social.

If you don’t like the reset, simply delete the logic bricks that control that part. You should be able to find them.

I don’t think it would be easy to do this with armatures. Armatures are action-based, not IPO based, a problem in and of itself, and you’d also need to find a way to parent the camera to a bone, and last I knew that still wasn’t working in the GE. The way in the example should be sufficient.

A’ight then, thanks :slight_smile: Now to ask Social :wink: