FPS,AI,game kit

Great! Looks very pro…and fast!!!

I have old computer 2.26 ghz celeron and ati radeon 9100 512 ram
framerate its very good.

i`ve dl the Clear camera (no emptys)
Possible climbing upstairs

i really need the script for my project, but since the info about script not in english I`m quite confuse which one is what function especially the own function…
and getOwner… would someone mind to translate the #info in english or maybe explain the script function more detail?

just one question… how do you open a .rar in blender…?

you dont open it in blender, its like a zip, use winRAR

ill try to figure out winRAR then… i tried it befor and couldnt get it working

How to do to the boat LIFE, that after a few shots he died?
Exemples, please

I couldn’t find a way to make an animated character that plays a specific animation depending if its dying, or attacking, even using the stargate enemy AI template.

let’s say that your character have a “int” property named “life”
then, you add a "Property Sensor - equal -property -life- 0 -> AND -> Action Actuator - with the name of the “die” animation- start and end frames.
Of course you must setup your character to decrease “life” property ( most of the times with a collision sensor - property “bullet”? ->AND -> Property Actuator - add - value - “-1”)
And do the die animation, too

Really cool. I used it for all my FPS games. Always when I added an empty to shoot a bullet, (not with this template) the bullet went crazy when shooted.

Thanks, OTO.
And of course, modify the python script so it stops working when the character is “dead” !

I think it’s update, NOT ubdate. Lol

It’s better to use ray guns that bullet object guns. They requiere python.

I love your AI!
It’s effective even in exteriors, but is alot better if you fill them with obstacles, or they will just be walking in circles.

For AI, use very small planes behind an empty that always tracks to the AI’s enemy, if they’re multiple, use varius emptys, this is for 3d track, for simple interiors it’s good as it is. I like your python programming, is very good!
I’ll also build a level and improve AI after I finish updating my 2 games.
edit: Thanks for the slowparent in your demos!

I working on new versin on fps AI game kit for my game.
here is small video.

Copy and paste to the toolbar!

How would I inverse the controls? Cuz they are KILLING me!

Johando, it says the video has been removed by the user…
Thanks for still working on this!
Good additions would be bullet holes, multiple weapons…

The link not broken, but you must copy it to the toolbar.
