FPS concept (exploding barrels)

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another site please?

Uploaded in Filefront HERE
added 2 step camera zoom
mouselook is smoother

Downloading now… dude it looks amazing!! really somthing i anna make… heh :smiley: tell you what I think when I got it :smiley:

Got it! WOOOW! thuis could be a sooo amizing super fun game!! ooh I really gonna learn this!! tottaly , put some enimies and stuff, bigger battle area, ability to duck… coz… you know… this is like a future game where the soldiers has jetpack and so on… wowowowowowo I looove it… aaargghh!

:slight_smile: heh yeah. Our gamedev team is makin somthin like it named “Vortex of hostility”. Well we base it on C4 game engine. I use Blender to make things like idea skeches or door animations.
Maybe ill continue this FPS concept and make somthn more serious than barrel kicking.