FPS Game

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone was interested in making an FPS game with me. I can model weapons quite well, but I would need someone to do scripting, and other stuff like that. I am terrible at modeling humans and animals. If anyone is interested please post a reply stating what talents you have. We will also need mappers and stuff. Thanks guys, and I hope we can get a lot of people to work on this. I don’t have a huge idea of what kind of fps it should be, but I want it to be gory lol. Also suggest the type of fps game we should do (military, horror, random like crysis, etc.) Even make up a small storyline like ““A guy’s mother get’s captured by mutated deputies and we run through deserts and old jails to find her”” lol.

um you know you should honestly join a team who’s making a game already.Honestly all of the projects are lacking members and theres no point of really starting a new game.

I know, I thought of that right after I posted this.

if your interested im missing the majority of my modelers ( i dont know why),and i could realy use a weapon modeler.theres a link to my thread in my sig.

I agree join a team, gain some knowledge of what you don’t know, show your abilities and you shell then be able to concur that game you want to make with the help of others in return PEACE!

I agree with other people, and WWK, the link in your sig leads to http://http//blenderar… so on instead of http://blenderarti… so on, you might want to fix that…but you probably didn’t stick around this thread to read my post… I know I wouldn’t

oh thanks for telling me that usauly happens after a while.