This is a project I have been working on for quite long time for 2.49b, I’m putting it to rest now for a number of reasons.
I’m just uploading in-case anyone is interested in looking at it, it not particularly a game yet.
Initially I had high plans (dont we all) gradually I cut it down to a few levels, simple ai and a few guns to at least get something playable but that hasn’t happened. I’ll just list some features.
- Movement, leaning, jumping, crouching
- Health and fatigue with regen
- Slot based inventory, utilizing 1-7 on the numbers, ammunition is not part of the inventory.
- Left and right handed items can be equipped (or unequipped) separately and mixed together by pressing the corresponding inventory number. For example if there was a left handed lighter item, and a right handed air spray item, you could cause that to have a flamethrower effect when both equipped. (this may require some very small fixing as I haven’t had it active for a while, well theres no left handed weapons available)
- Gun firing which its bullets will hit, go through objects and be redirected until its damage has reached 0. The bullet will hit objects with property rb(receiveBullet) and the bullets damage will be reduced by the value of the rb. The higher the absorbtion the more the bulllet will be redirected as well. (an rb value of 0 means the bullet will not go through at all)
- Gun reloading which only pulls the charge handle when necessary.
- As far as I know, a complete easy to use gun system (probably need instructions), with all the usual settings. You can easily add a new gun by editing the template gun, updating the gun register and finally adding the gun pickup into the level or make a script to mod the gun straight into the players inventory with tools.playerInventorySwap(weaponID)
-recoil, zoom, damage, range, zoom speed, how many bullets are fired per shot(shotgun), deviation, different reload styles, rounds per minute and all that sort of stuff
- Render/resolution settings on startup and controls settings in main menu.
If your on windows you can run game.exe, otherwise open launcher.blend in your own blenderplayer