Everyone look out for improvements of my Mazda, ill be posting screenies of each stage along the way, thanks
Avoid those triangles. I want to see more of this project. Tonight infact, so get meshing!
Is it me, or do I try to "rotate’ a screenshot like this on the web, as though I was actually in a Blender project?
It’s a bad ideea to model the car parts separately. Just scrap that engine door (because the topology is bad) and start to model the car as a single piece. You’ll cut the pieces and take care of the details later on.
As I see from the pictures of the car your blueprint is not very accurate.
Try this one
kk thanks, soz i cant do so much modelling my bros wanna do the pc as well
i want my own pc:( big help:D
Well, actually thats what we meant. It starts out as one piece, then you cut it up into pieces. I assumed that most people did that, hence, creating a car in pieces, in that manner.
should i use subsurfs to rely on the shape?
should i use subsurfs to rely on the shape?
is this a good start for the shape?
Yes and Yes.
My preference is to start on a side and work my way to the middle. However, in my case, I did not include the widows as part of the main mesh. My theory is to do all of the “painted” parts as one, then chop it into pieces. Then I added the glass and trim.
Yes - use subsurf.
I would rather try to trace (with vertices) the most proeminent features of the car.
Here I marked what I think are the lines that need to be traced.
ty guys nice ms paint work there ;), steady mouse hand i see :>
you guys are quite clever
ye im gonna take the windows out after i get the shape right:)
is there any way to get rid of lines i dont need/want with out puttin holes in my mesh?
you could merge vertices along a line. select two vertice (the first one you select will stay there, the other one will move to it), press W key and select merge, select “at first” or if your using older versions of blender select at center
Use delete edge loop. Select your “line” the X-> Edge loop
i forgot about extruding single veterticies slaps self silly me=D
It is hard to say what you are trying to do, but doing it by hand is the way I know, and is the reason why many people don’t do a Car Project, or never finish a Car Project. It is a lot of work.
I am a big fan of Ctrl+R when modeling. G+X, G+Y and G+Z (as opposed to the widget) is handy too, when moving vertices.
it still doesnt work that good:(