I’ve started work on a Blender game based on Frans Kafka’s Metamorphosis.
Download the game from kafkagamedemo.blend
I would like to expand this demo into a full game. And I'd rather do this with people- to my mind this will need:
I’m not sure if the game will entirely be based on Metamorphosis. Gregor doesn’t do a lot after he gets out of his room. It might make more sense to adapt more books into the game.
Voice Actors
So far the game is silent, with substantial dialogue from the book being presented in text. Good voice acting will solve this.
Python Programmers
Who use Blender Game Engine. Things that require code in the game include:-
A system for carrying objects from room to room (I would say inventory, but I suspect you can only carry one object at a time.
AI that has an opinion over whether you’re Gregor Samsa of just an outsize dung-beetle.
Level Designers Working with Blender
Artists Working with Blender, and whatever image editor they prefer.
 <b>Caroline Leaf's The Metamorphosis of Mr Samsa</b> - Canadian Sand Animated Short film
Jiří Trnka’s The Hand - Czech model animated Short film.
CCTV Footage - You are being watched - from a cheap wide-angle lens in the corner of the room
M. C. Escher’s Artwork - An obvious influence for any 3D Artist - here look at the precise, detailed, monochrome nature of the work.
Jet Set Willy - probably my all-time favourite game. A large, rambling building constructed of small rooms.
Bureaucracy - Could be a good way of constructing the game - you can go beyond this desk with a certain form.
Game Link on my website: http://yogyog.org/wiki/doku.php?id=franz_kafka_s_metamorphosis