Free 4096x1024 skybox

My contribution to the Blender community. :smiley: More comming soon!

I’m not sure but it looks like M@dcows maps.

Err, no those are my own. And btw, i did a major update today, so check out the new maps.

Love the maps, thanks for them. Funny your site doesn’t work on my firefox, none of the pics show up and clicking on them takes me to your homepage for some reason. Might be just me.

Thanks for telling me, i’ll look into it.

The no pics thing happened to me as well. Firefox too.

thanks for these.

they might be usefull.

and for the problem I use firefox and it works.

Glad people find it useful, I will be constantly adding more maps to the site for variety.

And yes I fixed the problem so FF(and opera, and conquorer) all render the page in the same way.

Hey mpan3, they look great! I like the variety of simple maps, more useable than some garish ones. Seems like a fair range of sun angles, but maybe some more overehad (miday) ones might be good too.

Thanks again BTW.

Very nice.
Works on Firefox…even on a mac :stuck_out_tongue:

Added 3 more maps today :slight_smile:

Ive tried to use these before but not sure how… is it a world setting or in a sphere or something?

I use to do a sphere with the texture but I know it’s possible to do without a phere.

The easiest way is to create a icosphere and UV map the image onto it using ‘sphere’ mode from the side view.

Yes it is but he sphere will cover your model so it will be harder to model. I know about the / button but it would be easier if there would be an easy way to set it up in the world settings.

Couldn’t you stick the sphere on another layer and switch it off when modelling?

To map to World settings you switch the buttons real/blend/paper but don’t recall which and am not infront of blender right now.

Works on my Firefox as well Mac version

Those are great - how do you make them? Do you use stock photos or take your own photos?

Actually most are created in either blender or terragen. But i am always exploring new ways to create sky boxes. Panorama photos are great but they require me to get to a very high vantage point so the view wont be obscured by buildings, trees or mountains.

Or you could just drive to the sea.