Free Render Farm!

I’m not an artist, nor a supergeek, nor a IT guy.
I’m just curious.
I apologize if I’ll write some language mistakes here, I’m italian, and don’t perfectly know english.

anyway, I sometimes like play with blender, so I found out Sheep It render farm. Then I found out this thread, and the Amazon EC2 option, that I discovered being more simple than I thought.

I tried couple of times and verified this method.

I started an Instance with Ubuntu 12.04 server as OS (a Compute Optimized instance. I tried c3.xlarge and c1.xlarge)
I choose this OS because I’m quite familiar with it.
On the stock OS you need to install a Java Runtime Enviroment, and Blender, because the SheepiIt java-program downloads the render program (i.e. Blender) but doesn’t cover all the needed dependencies. I solved easily with a Blender installation, that provide all the needed dependencies.

the first time, without Blender installed i got: “error render have generated no output file” message. The same one rider_rebooted experienced and wrote about.

now, less talk, more stuff:
I put those 5 commands into a little and really basic script (the first one I ever made…). Launching it, it downloads, installs and finally starts the SheepIt render.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:irie/blender -y  
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install blender openjdk-7-jre-headless
wget [](
java -cp farm-client-3.2.1594.jar com.renderfarm.worker.standalone.FermeDeRendu USERNAME PASSWORD

some notes:
-the ‘farm-client-x.x.xx.jar’ may change in future, if they update it, it will need to be corrected (maybe the whole link, and also the “java…” command)
-must insert username and password in the last command that lauches the render

some final thoughts:
-I don’t know if this is the best way, I know it works fine and easy.
-having a ready OS image would be great, but running (i.e. copy paste and launch one by one =D) those 5 commands take no more than 2 minutes. Putting them into a personalized script helps a lot when you want to launch more than 3-4 instances…
-this is CPU rendering. Amazon provides GPU-CUDA instances, but I read somewhere some posts about driver configuration of these instances, and other stuff far beyond my basic linux knowledge and my will. (and those instances prices are much higher than the cpu ones I tried for testing yesterday)
-SheepIt renders first your own projects, so you can start 10, 20, n-thousands instances and speed up your own project render (here i think that credits don’t count). You can even keep private a project, and others account/people wont process it, so you don’t get your files going around the web, and into other people’s pc. (if you want keep it private)


You can use this link instead, it will get you the latest jar

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hi rider_rebooted,
indeed your solution is the most precise and correct one, and probably more fast, because it just installs 2 packages, instead the whole Blender+dependencies…

My one was about having it working fast and safe, without any clue of which packages were really required. And I figured out myself in 1 minute. Looking for the right packages would take ages, with my basic knowledge.
I didn’t measured, but I’d say it takes maximum 2 minutes installing JRE and the whole Blender stuff, and then it starts rendering automatically, so the 2 times I used it, I just launched it and looked after a while, checking the rendering progress.
Anyway your way is more precise and smartest, I’ll use it =D

Didn’t know Brenda, thanks for the info. I read the thread you posted, and fast looked to the tutorial on github.
Indeed it’s a better and powerful solution than SheepIt. As indeed it’s more tricky, not rocket science, but not simple as SheepIt.

I’d say Brenda is better for professional application, completely private works, freelancers, etc…
I use Blender for fun, I don’t need big render power so often, and for my casual usage, SheepIt is enough.

But knowing all the alternatives is the key, one can use what he needs more, time by time. Now I know one more. =)

thanks for the info.

i tried a script with

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y default-jre
sudo apt-get install -y libglu1-mesa libsdl1.2debian
wget [](
java -cp farm-client-3.2.1594.jar com.renderfarm.worker.standalone.FermeDeRendu []( USERNAME PASSWORD 

but got “error render have generated no output file”

maybe newer upgrades (Blender 2.70?) need some new stuff…

my rough way of installing the whole blender has his benefits… =P
(and on a c1.xlarge 8core instance with really fast internet download speed it’s not so long…)

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I have looked into these. My problem with this idea, which has been around for years in one way or another (think torrents), I don’t want my projects sent all over the world, even if they are only one frame in any one direction.

However, I have failed to find a static farm that is is cheap enough to make viable. Maybe everyone interested in such a project should donate a couple of dollars/pounds and we’ll set one up! I’d be happy to run it.

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Hello, for those who use sheep-it, and would like to set it up on their computer, I just found a way to run sheep-it with low priority, and so that it doesn’t remain in an error statement - my clients often crash…
So I found a way to kill the process every 5-6 hours, which keeps my computers running…
this is the code, which I put in a .bat file, and repeat it many times, so after the client is killed, it gets re-run…

start java -cp farm-client-3.2.1594.jar com.renderfarm.worker.standalone.FermeDeRendu YOURNAME PASSWORD
timeout 21600
taskkill /im java.exe
taskkill /im rend.exe

It´s Still Alive :wink:
Some things can be for free


Alive and kicking! I still contribute when I can (or my room is cold and I’m not using my PC) Seems to often have underutilisation at the moment I’ve seen a few times, with not a large queue of frames.

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Yeah I have 100k points there and can’t send any render jobs. I’ve stopped using this as of it had no help for me whatsoever.

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There also always is google colab for your needs, and this notebook does the job:

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