Free reward get it quick!!!

ha ha ha, got your attention didn’t i.

and now your reward is to please tell me if my site works on your computer.

its currently only the front page with no links.
but i was wanting feed back and info.

site is

anyway i was wanting to know if it works fine on your browser.

so i’d like to know.
your browswer, and edition:
screen resolution:
if it looks fine, e.g. no issues
and suggestions.

and also if anyone knows much about of HTML or anything like php or java i would like to ask a hard question about getting the site the correct height.
as i know only basic html

all this was hand coded, so yeah!!



:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Works great, and looks good. Win 95 1024x768 true colour. Internet Explorer 5. (Bband connection 2 second load time.)

Regarding the height, you can add in your header (html) the size and width of the screen. Beware this can upset some Netscape browsers. I will endeavour to find the documentation and relevant HTML code for you when I get home.
You can also save it within the main link to your website.

Now get those links working, want to see more. :wink:


nice design = kinda reminds me of is a porn site LOL

why post a link to porn sites YUCKY YUCKY boy!!!


and yeah sonixsculpture i was more wanting to use a percentage attribute to the height of the page, like the widthways percentage attribute. but have sofar been unable to do it. but only because tables don’t allow a percentage height LOL.

either that or i wanted the content of the frame to effect the height of it. i am just trying to get rid of the “double scroll bars” in the cleanest nicest possible way.

i know how to do it in an ugly way that would work, but really its undesirable.

and yeah those links should be helpfull, however i am trying to make the site “resolution and browser independant” and also i will try and make it navigatable for blind people LOL

Alltaken :smiley: :smiley:

This should set the page size when it first opens:-

<body onload="window.resizeTo(600,300)">

The 600,300 is the window size, change values to suit your needs.

This should help with any Netscape browser problems:-


A couple of good sites with code samples and resources for HTML, VBcode and Java etc.

Hope this helps,


Ok so you posted whilst I was posting, just read you last post.

This has the java code for retrieving screen res for the browser the ‘surfer’ is using.


ok that was VERY CLOSE to waht i want.

that one worked out the entire size of the computer screen (e.g. 1600x1200 in my case)

but i was wondering if there is one that would work out the height of the window within the browser (the viewable part of the screen)

because a window within a screen may not always be the height of the screen itself

but yeah very close to what i wanted. thanks for the links and keep em coming, meanwhile i’ll do some googling


Using Konqueror (KDE 3.1.2) @ 1024x768

Site concept is pretty cool, but the main page frames’ right edge is in the middle of my screen.

And using tables for layout, naughty naughty. :stuck_out_tongue:

Comment from dij8 Date: 04/02/2001 02:50AM PDT
resizeTo uses the windows outside dimensions so can be a real pain because you don’t know how many menu/URL/links/et c. bars are open or their size. But if you want it in the onload event then this is pretty much the only way it will happen.

If you have control of opening the window then why would you not use the method and set the inner diomensions then?

daron, why do you use two different ways of opening a window? mywindow =“mypage.htm”,“mywindow”,“width=450,height=500”) will work with all browsers I have tried it on. And applies the width and height to the inner dimensions as one would hope because pages are designed for inside a browser window.
From the page the window size code came from.
Link to page.


yeah i know that i used tables for layout (and yeah i know it is terrible) but honestly i don’t know any other way to do it. umm maybe i could use absolute positions!!

could you sugest a way for me to do it. i will go and test it in konqurer myself (as i have mandrake 9.1 but don’t really use it LOL)

and css for page layout looks so bloody complex.

oh well i will work it all out someday and yes i will try to change it from tables for layout to somthing else. (just i don’t know what yet)

but yeah i’ll go try fix things, as i am a perfectionist and if its bad then i’ll start it again LOL

(p.s. did you try it in Mozila in linux too??? or do you only use konqurer?)


Mozilla (1.2) displays it fine, but “yo yo yo…” is black text on black background.

Opera (6.02) displays the same as Konq

Opera (7) displays it properly

And lynx was still usable, except the iframe shows up as a link. :<

And yeah, CSS is a pain for layout… :slight_smile:

yeah i know its black on black LOL

but thats coz i havn’t got anything to write yet LOL

umm alien-xmp do you have any suggestions as to how i could lay it out instead of tables. its just because i don’t really know any other wasy to do it.

and any suggestion is helpfull.

anyway Thanks for you help so far


How about this:

&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Untitled Document&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"&gt;
&lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
body {
	background-color: black;
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 10px;
.core {
	color: white;
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 0px;
	height: 1024px;
	width: 99%;
	border: medium solid orange;
	background-image: url(Title1r.jpg);
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
	background-position: 0px 0px;
.menuitem {
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 0px;
	border: 0px solid;

.main {
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 0px;
	float: left;
	width: 612px;
	height: 600px;

.themenu {
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 0px;
	width: 188px;
	float: left;
	border: 0px solid;

.main p {
	padding-right: 10px;
	padding-left: 10px;
img {
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 0px;
	border: 0px none;

&lt;div class="core"&gt;![Title1.jpg](Title1.jpg)

  &lt;div class="themenu"&gt;![Slice1.jpg](Slice1.jpg)







&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class="main"&gt;

Blah blah blah&lt;/p&gt;

diggi do BLENDER biggy bap bap&lt;/p&gt;




Sorry alien-xmp.

i thought i had replied to your post a few dyas ago but it doesn’t seem to have posted at all (i have been having strange modem issues sorry LOL)

anyway thanks HEAPS for that it worked wonders.

i have changed it around a bit but your post and info was brillient and has helped me understand CSS a lot (after reading pages and pages of tutorials on CSS i still knew nothing LOL but seeing it in action helped a lot)

my current site is pretty much based on the CSS and HTML that you gave me. with changes of course. is now based on your layout ideas and stuff.

i ahve decided to drop the frame idea as it creates more issues than it solves LOL.

but yeah sorry about being rude and not checking my reply, i didn’t mean to leave you feeling unapreciated LOL

coz its been a real help from you going out of your way to do that for me.

ok now i have another question for you about the CSS.

its about this part here

.core {
   color: white;
   margin: 0px;
   padding: 0px;
   height: 1024px;
   width: 99%;
   border: medium solid orange;
   background-image: url(Title1r.jpg);
   background-repeat: repeat-x;
   background-position: 0px 0px;

the background repeat is on, now how do i turn it off? i am only really wanting it displayed once in one location. as it completes the right hand side of the title image.

also since you know way more about HTML and stuff than i. (i am learning off you heaps BTW LOL)

is there a way to build a page and then have the HTML of a linked page included into it. e.g. not in a frame, but rather in the source code.

its just that i have decided to duplicate the main page(with the menu on) for every new page, and just include the new page info inside the div that has the corner image in it.

is there a way to make it so i don’t need to manually do all that, because if i wanted to change the menu page then i would need to go and change the same thing in 6 or more other pages, while if i somehow linked it all together (not unlike how i linked the HTML page to the CSS, so i only change the CSS in one location) then i could just update the first one and all the rest would follow.


anyway thanks heaps for your help.

and if you have a personal site i could put a link to your site in my links section and say that you helped me.

see ya round and have a good one.


Change repeat-x to no-repeat

There is no way that I know of including HTML unfortunately, but you can split off the CSS into it’s own file. However, good HTML editors
(Quanta and Dreamweaver MX) have template functions. The other way is to use PHP, but that is a whole new kettle of fish! Quanta also has an HTML/CSS/JS/PHP reference.

LOL, it is hard enough keeping track of what threads I’ve posted to and read. I usually just look through “Posts since last visit” for stuff that looks interesting.

My website is in my sig. That reminds me, I must work on. I need to blend more stuff for it… =)

you can like to html code from inside yours… depending on how your server is set up you might have to save yout .html files as .shtml or something like that
you wont be able to test it from your computer thought, unless you install iis, youll have to upload it to your server to see if its working… anyway this is what you do:

insert a code like that wherever you want header.txt to show up, and header.txt would be a text file with html code in it that will get inserted wherever you put the code.

sorry if thats confusing im not real good at explaining this type of stuff

using tables is not evil.
css has much more troubles showing correctly on all the browsers… and table is simple and quite safe way to layout…


thanks everyone!!!

i am using a combo between CSS and tables 9coz css had a problem that only a table could fix), and thanks i’ll use the SSI piler its helpfull.

my page displays correctly on

Netscape 7.0- windows
IE 6- Windows
konqurer- Linux
galeon- Linux (maybe my spellings bad LOL)
but for some reason it nolonger works on mozila in Linux ( ha ha ha even though netscape is mozila so i thought they would both work fine LOL)


Hey alltaken…

I have noticed that your buttons on the left side, have a rollover effect…

Only you have a small delay… The buttons don’t “switch” that quickly when you pass the cursor over them… At least the first time the page loads… But the problem would reappear in case someone would press the reload button…

The delay is not very much noticable, but in case you want to solve it, do something similar as I have done in my web page… You know what I did… Those HOT HOT HOT things, in case you remember… :wink:


yeah that was my plan sko…timondeesieshsgudbuasbus…ntar

i had also noticed that myself, and yes i was gonna shrink em down to 1x1 so they loaded instantly.

they don’t seem to cach rollover images on the HDD like they do normal ones.

i had noticed that already, but thanks for the feedback.

p.s. the page currently up is no way close to my current one on my HDD so i’ll lauch the site some time next week, with everything on it


it will be rather good i hope