G’day Everyone,
I work as a concept artist/animator (using Blender) for a video game
company. I’ve noticed that there are some CG artists out there that would
like to develop their drawing skills but don’t know where to start. I’m
doing some Free Video tutorials on drawing from the very beginning,
assuming people know nothing. Thought there might be some people here who
might like to check it out:
I get up to drawing complicated shapes like a Playstation controller, and
use Blender to demonstrate how I “see” objects (along with providing the
.blend file and a dummies guide to downloading, installing and navigating
Over time I plan on adding more videos so hopefully people will be up and
sketching spaceships and creatures in no time. Would love to hear what
people think about it.
P.S. I know this isn’t strictly a Blender tutorial but thought it might be
useful at the underpinnings on the “art” side of things.