FREEBIE : The Couch (Now available for download)

Hey Sebastian,mind posting the materials for couch and the pillow?I would love to see them.and what is your lightiing setup like? And how long have u been using blender?Thank u

congrats for toprow Sebastian :D!

a really good job!

Yes Tako Yakida, you’re right and thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi, Time Keeper. I have a three point lighting and I have been user of Blender for 3 years. I’ll post the nodes setup as soon as I can.

Thank you so much, @joseperez!

looks great, I like it.

Awesome work indeed .

How did you do the cushions and wrinkles?

Thank you @marcus1984 for your comments!! :smiley:

Hi zero4mike. The cushions were made and sculpted in Blender. Basically I started with a very simple mesh for the base shape and then I added three subdivision levels with the multires modifier and started to sculpt. I’ll post a quick guide about how to do that.


Sebastián Zapata.

Viejo que buen trabajo! Cuánto tiempo llevás trabajando en 3D? Y a propósito, en que parte de Colombia estás?

Yo vivo en Medellín, que bueno tener contactos que también se muevan en el medio sobre todo si son usuarios de Blender, para tener en cuenta para proyectos y colaboraciones :wink:

Hola, julperado. Llevo 3 años con Blender. Soy de Cartagena. Claro que puedes contar conmigo para proyectos.


Sebastián Zapata.

There’s something weird about the throw pillows. But looks good nevertheless

Nice model but you’ve overused chromatic aberration… and I agree that pillows look a little bit off.

Thanks @Anduin, for the criticisms. :slight_smile:

Amazing work, very realistic! Congrats!

Thank you, @lemicba :slight_smile:

the’s a touch of simplicity and realism bringing total awesomeness to this scene!

Thank you so much, @dimebag!

I think one of the great things about wireframes in realistic renders is not just to “prove it”, but also to remind everyone that you don’t need a whole lot of vertexes to make a good model.

Very important aspect certainly. :wink: